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UDC 640.4: 330.342.146

Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business,
Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of KNUTE,
Soborna str., 87, Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Background. One of the components of the successful development of tourism is the modern hotel economy. A study of the state of the existing hotel industry is necessary to under­stand its prospects and ways of further development.
The analysis of recent researchesand publications has shown that despite the availa­bility of separate scientific developments, the issue of a clear formulation of the main problems of the promising development of the hotel industry is insufficiently highlighted, which is extre­mely important for their successful resolution. Characteristics of the current state of the hotel industry in the country, the problems of the hospitality industry require a separate study.
The aim is to analyze the current state of the hotel industry in Ukraine, to consider the problems that exist in this area and to outline ways of their solution in order to effec­tively develop the industry.
Materials and methods. In the process of research, the methods of comparison and generalization of statistical data, abstract-logical, and graphic were used.
Results. The analysis of the tourist flows of foreign and domestic tourists in Ukraine, the dynamics of the number of hotels and similar facilities, as well as the number of people staying in hospitality establishments are considered. The tendency to reduce the number of places in hospitality establishments in Ukraine as a whole is determined. At the present stage, the hotel business in Ukraine has a number of obstacles to its successful development, such as a high level of tax burden, an outdated material and technical base, the discrepancy of the domestic hotel fund with the requirements of international European standards, the lack of qualifications of specialists working in this area. Solving these issues will contribute to the successful deve­lopment of the industry and the state as a whole.
Conclusion. It is proved that every year the interest of foreign tourists to Ukraine increases, the number of both foreign and domestic tourists and the number of people staying in the hotels of the hotel industry increases. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of hotels and similar facilities.
Some problems on the way of successful development of hotel business in Ukraine are analyzed. To resolve them, it is necessary to restore the historical and cultural heritage of many Ukrainian cities, to rebuild and re-equip existing hotels and sanatoria and health institutions, and to develop eco-hotels.An important role will be played by the introduction of tax privileges in the hotel industry and the differentiation of tax payments to the budget by various means of placement. The introduction of obligatory categorization of hotels based on the Hotelstars Union system will contribute to improving the quality of hotel services.

Keywords: tourism, hotel industry, collective accommodation facilities, hotels, specialized accommodation establishments.


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